Kucoin trade export

kucoin trade export

20 coins

PARAGRAPHKuCoin users can download their and the particular notification to. It takes a few seconds to minutes to export your services deposit, withdrawal, and trade history within 24 hours. Once you have logged in, deposit, withdrawal, and trade history data as CSV file depending purposes.

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How to SHORT Crypto on Kucoin
Announcing Trade History Export to CSV available now on KuCoin. Select your date range, and the type of transactions you wish to export, buy/. Click on Orders in the top navbar and then on Spot Trade History > Trade History. Click on Export to CSV, select timeframe and click Confirm. gruppoarcheologicoturan.org This. Export History page will show up, click on "Download" to get the file. ?How to upload the file. Please upload the file from upload screen.
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You can download up to 1 year at a time. These guides are regularly updated with input from our knowledgeable staff and local experts. For a comprehensive breakdown of crypto taxes in Australia visit our Crypto Tax Guide.