Is it too late to buy bitcoin reddit 2021

is it too late to buy bitcoin reddit 2021

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As cryptocurrency goes, Bitcoin remains run-around, some experienced traders have directly within their accounts.

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Bitcoin is Too Expensive / I'm Too Late to Bitcoin!
Bitcoin could be the same price, higher or lower by the end of the year. I don't think you will be too late. Even if it is higher this is a long. No i wouldnt. if i cant buy a while Btc im not buying. i would definetely sell if was holding for long and it reach near those values. My answer as a bitcoin enthusiast: yes absolutely. Buy a small amount and start learning about it. Read a few books to understand why bitcoin.
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For long-term investors, we think some allocation to crypto makes sense � just like an allocation to equities also makes sense. The technology can capture market share on some existing markets like payments and stock trading while creating new markets like valuable scarce digital assets. However, there are undoubtedly better choices if investors seek cryptocurrencies with greater upside potential. So, if you think bitcoin is too risky, you could size it at 0.