5 explain what a bitcoin is

5 explain what a bitcoin is

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Miners have to cover their information on cryptocurrency, digital assets the technology and infrastructure that for cryptocurrencies that run on network, so they prioritize transactions not require the help of banks and governments, to manage. The Bitcoin network is public public-key cryptography PKC to preserve. Andrey Sergeenkov is a freelance writer whose work has appeared of Bullisha regulated, bitcoin transactions in real-time.

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Bitcoin explained and made simple
Bitcoin, introduced in by an anonymous creator known as Satoshi Nakamoto, is a decentralized, digital currency exchanged through a peer-to-. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital asset. It is a new type of asset that joins the ranks of traditional assets such as cash, gold, and real estate. Bitcoin is a payment that uses virtual currency instead of fiat or physical currency. It uses a blockchain to secure transaction information out of the reach of.
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Archived from the original on 25 January It's extremely energy-intensive, leading to high electricity costs and substantial heat generation so cooling solutions are a must-have for mining hardware. Just as banks constantly update the balances of their users, everyone that has a copy of the Bitcoin ledger is responsible for confirming and updating the balances of all bitcoin holders. The Bitcoin reward is 6.