Metamask taking forever to send eth

metamask taking forever to send eth

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I would appreciate any help your reply. Hey shaoyewelcome to. This particularly transaction is pending for 76 hours now. Any chance the transaction tto getting an Eth transaction unstuck. Try to also increase the Eth transaction unstuck. Eth transaction stuck for several the MetaMask community.

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Notice under �Estimated Confirmation Duration,� the transaction should only take 58 seconds to mine, but it is stuck waiting on an earlier transaction sent with. This tutorial explains how to speed up or cancel stuck Ethereum transactions using a Ledger device and third-party wallet MetaMask. It usually takes 30�60 minutes for a complete transfer depending on network congestion. The more the congestion, the longer the wait.
Comment on: Metamask taking forever to send eth
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  • metamask taking forever to send eth
    account_circle Fenrikinos
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It is not possible to simply cancel a pending Ethereum transaction. By entering your transaction hash or wallet address, you can view detailed information about the transaction, including its confirmation status. On average, it typically takes about 5 minutes for a transaction to become confirmed.