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Glassnode's flagship newsletter; The Week Onchain provides contextualised insight into Bitcoin, Ethereum, and digital asset market structure using on-chain. According to CryptoPotato, Ethereum's recent price action has found support around the critical day moving average, signaling a shift in. I'm feeling pretty confident with bitcoin dominance growing. This is a good sign, because most bull markets ended with BTC dominance at a low rate. Bullish.
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Fill in your details: Will be displayed Will not be displayed Will be displayed. Others Nov 21, pagi Ethereum Menjadi Hijau? An insightful observation from the chart is that each sustained uptrend coincided with the metric trending downwards in the negative region. The Bitcoin market has reached a stage of extreme apathy and exhaustion, with volatility measures and several key on-chain indicators reaching all-time-low readings. With the market being somewhat top-heavy, we assess how investors are responding to the boredom.