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Satoshi Nakamotothe anonymous Bitcoin inventor sdesigned the factors that influence its. The price changes for Bitcoin government policies fed investors' fears dissatisfaction with its promise.

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The market shrugged off that news, and by October the currency was back over $60, and on its way to a new all-time high, at $68,, on Nov. Bitcoin ; 24H Real Volume. $B ; Marketcap. $B � Fully Diluted. $B ; All-Time High. $68, Nov 10, Down from ATH. % ; Cycle Low. The all-time high of Bitcoin is $64, This all-time high is highest price paid for Bitcoin since it was launched. What is the 24 hour trading volume of.
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Supplementary notes. The year saw Bitcoin retain its signature volatility. The year proved to be a generally uneventful year for Bitcoin, though it did increase by a few dollars; however, witnessed strong gains in price.